MiniTOP Software - Offenbach 20100213

After the initial start on the "Repository" project, this is the first meeting after doing some work.
Meeting called by Andreas
Started 21:00 closed around 1:00.

Present: Andreas, Dirk, Ulrich.

Previous meetings:
Essen 20091216
Innsbruck Software Camp 20090419.

Estimated sponsored cost of the meeting: € 59

event dinner 59 Andreas, Dirk, Ulrich

1. - ABC Interview over Dirk

ABC over Dirk
ABC is started.

2. - Software, repository

2.1 - Testserver

People worked on it until now: Wytze

one can connect to the server and can join

2.2 - Project Prioritys

2.3 - Repository

2.3.1 - Summary

2.4. - Upgrade Project

2.5. - Prospects

2.6. - Dirk Patches

2.7. - Board Activity?

2.8. - Test System Documentation