MiniTOP Software - Offenbach 20100213
After the initial start on the "Repository" project, this is the
first meeting after doing some work.
Meeting called by Andreas
Started 21:00 closed around 1:00.
Present: Andreas, Dirk, Ulrich.
Previous meetings:
Essen 20091216
Innsbruck Software Camp 20090419.
Estimated sponsored cost of the meeting: € 59
event dinner | 59 | Andreas, Dirk, Ulrich |
1. - ABC Interview over Dirk
ABC over Dirk
ABC is started.
2. - Software, repository
2.1 - Testserver
- Server is installed
- 5 people with access permissions
- Wytze
- Mendel
- Stefan
- Markus
- Andreas
People worked on it until now: Wytze
- installation the system, Software
- Documentation of Installation process
on wiki pages (by Wytze)
- Installation of Database system (w/o content)
- Added 2 users
one can connect to the server and can join
- (test) Database content will create Andreas
- add patches that are available
so that test can be possible
- defined set for testing
set database flags and so on ...
- Dirks local test system image
shows araising of performance problems
live system will be running at this level
probably end of 2010
- Wytze promises to copy locations database
(reminder: running arbitration
- discussions:
* Birdshack
* Kernel
* or full
- The main goal is a complete documentation ->
Andreas will try to rebuild the system from
documentation given by Wytze
for reproduction of system rebuild
2.2 - Project Prioritys
- not yet well discussed with Wytze
move of priority from
- implement patches
- upgrade OS, DBMS, Apache and so on
- upgrade OS, DBMS, Apache and so on
- implement patches
- maintenance for Edge will be dropped closely
- one test system for prepare upgrade
2.3 - Repository
- Step 1 - checkin
- checkout
- doesn't relates to the Prioritys move
both can be handled in parallel
- Dirk and Markus will meet regarding
version control system
prepared is SVN (subversion)
- proposed next meeting: week Feb 15th to 19th
- not yet defined: interface for change process
- which patches will be included ?
- if changes made on live system, those
will be transfered manualy by the critical sysadmins
intermediate-term: only thru SVN
that changes on production system no longer
happens, but should be possible for emergency cases
- sysadmins have their own CVS
is running
not yet defined: to use 2, 3 or 4 controlsystems
#1 on development system
#2 on production system for controling
relates to the requirements by the auditor
- should changes on the system code by identifyable to the
user who broughts in a patch ?
- or - is it ok only to know that changes happens and what this
changes are ?
2.3.1 - Summary
- Who runs the system ?
is the development system DEV SVN audit related ? yes / no ?
if the answer is yes, this will be a critical system
- Documentation - what has been changed
- who made changes (developers name)
- at least 4 eyes, does this work ?
- at least 4 eyes, DEV code, something invisible ?
- Markus has to instruct Dirk
* testsystem mades available following infos for each patch:
- legitimation
- documentation
- old state
- new state
2.4. - Upgrade Project
- 20-30 min build up new system
- try migration
(in parallel to the repository project)
- Decision for Upgrade is incumbent on critical sysadmin
- wishing development after upgrade
loss of confidence -> old software
=> better
upgrade to new software
- Supply of testsystems
Clarification Wytze - Andreas
- possible migration problems -> tests before upgrade
- pwd migration (database MySQL4 -> MySQL5)
- locales environment _() function / translingo
- tentative deadline: ?
awareness if migration from current to proposed system works
awareness becomes true after some tests in intermediate-term
test portfolio will increase
- Documentation is fundamental
- first impression is ok
still needs quality control
- build up system from scratch
- population of test data for database
(Andreas: was interupted by other activities)
2.5. - Prospects
- Actual
PG is not yet in the team
talk Dirk / Doris
PG made system patches in the live system
Wytze + Mendel responsible for the tarball
- Target
PG sends patches to Development system
-> will result in discussions
PG has probably no root access since 2 months,
but access to webdb -
- Who, addtl to PG will become access permissions ?
- Addtl. people are needed
- Software Engineer to have direct access
- for problems, that doesn't occur in the test environment
- programmer who has to identify problems in the live system
- for Emergency Case(s)
- many solutions how to handle
- we don't need to discuss
- emergency case -> probably arbitrator has to decide
if critical sysadmin team has no solution
actual only 1 person has access
should be: Software Assessment
- Who has good contacts to PG ?
- PD? Ian? Doris?
- proposed a face-2-face meeting with PG (eastern weekend ? April 4th ?)
- Next milestone:
- checkin Dirk patches
- patches do this and that
- documentation system (not available yet)
- documentation thru wiki -> needs too much knowledge about the wiki
- CMS - Edit, Testsys ...
results in confusion, nobody understands
- how to uncouple
doodle ?
- as currently: no-go
- public discussion ?
2.6. - Dirk Patches
- several blocks
- CCA patches
- corrections, fixes (i.e. checkboxes problem)
- enhancements (i.e. points system order)
- proposed order:
- Testing of bugfixes
- next enhancements
- next CCA patch
- As soon as foreseeable when ...
- Tests
- PG meeting to schedule
how does he see that?
preferable to use this channel
and discussion about emergency fixes
or official arbitration way
arbitration is running after an emergency fix
build a precedence ? Yes or No ?
alternate: i.e. 4 eyes principle thru desktop sharing
2.7. - Board Activity?
- not needed
- report to board
from 4 proposed candidates only 2 in the pipeline
- AB: - currently no action needed
if current t/l means this is enough
- If board requests about the 4 proposed candidates
and why are only 2 in the pipeline ?!?
- Why more volunteers
-> People are expenditure-braked
- Who has influence over PG ?
- question him, why he only proposed 2 of 4 candidates ?
- actual no activity from board needed
2.8. - Test System Documentation
- fiddle ?
- remark field
- screenshot upload
- Software Assessment
- Testers