[2011-05-08 21:37:57] -!- INOPIAE [Marcus@xdsl-89-0-128-218.netcologne.de] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 21:38:05] 21:36 -!- law is now known as MarioLipinski [2011-05-08 21:38:17] Sorry, wrong key ^^ [2011-05-08 21:39:06] -!- Sie sind nun bekannt als: MarcusMaengel [2011-05-08 21:39:44] yawn! good morning all [2011-05-08 21:39:51] 05:40 here :( [2011-05-08 21:40:13] Hi Ian goog morning, the sun is just setting [2011-05-08 21:40:17] Here it is 21:40 [2011-05-08 21:40:42] ah good ... it'll be getting here soon then :) [2011-05-08 21:41:04] g'moin Marcus, g'moin Werner [2011-05-08 21:41:58] -!- BenediktHeintel [rats@ip-109-90-23-144.unitymediagroup.de] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 21:42:11] hi there [2011-05-08 21:42:14] -!- mode/#SGM [+vvv BennyBaumann DorisSteinbichler IanGrigg] von MarioLipinski [2011-05-08 21:42:14] -!- mode/#SGM [+vv JanDittberner JSFrederick] von MarioLipinski [2011-05-08 21:42:19] servus from vienna [2011-05-08 21:42:46] Good afternoon from the US [2011-05-08 21:42:49] Hi from Mittweida ;-) [2011-05-08 21:42:50] -!- MarioLipinski ist nun bekannt als: law [2011-05-08 21:43:00] in this case: Hello from DArmstadt [2011-05-08 21:43:06] -!- Nik [Nik@merlin.naturalnet.de] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 21:43:18] -!- Nik ist nun bekannt als: DominikGeorge [2011-05-08 21:44:05] hello from Dresden [2011-05-08 21:44:07] -!- Fabian ist nun bekannt als: FabianKnopf [2011-05-08 21:44:18] Hallo Mario, gibst Du mich asuch frei [2011-05-08 21:44:33] yawns from down under [2011-05-08 21:44:51] poor iang [2011-05-08 21:45:09] An sich würde ich das gerne, aber mein IRC Client gibt da sehr eingeschränkt Rückmeldung... [2011-05-08 21:45:22] -!- mode/#SGM [+vvv MarcusMaengel MatthiasSubik WernerDworak] von law [2011-05-08 21:45:24] law, what do I have to do to revoke my proxy assignation? [2011-05-08 21:45:39] and can you voice me as well please ;) [2011-05-08 21:45:39] /join #sap jomai [2011-05-08 21:45:41] If you are just here, nothing I would say. [2011-05-08 21:46:12] -!- MichaelTaenzer [neo@f053214057.adsl.alicedsl.de] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 21:46:50] JSFrederick: Doesn't work for me: Bad channel key [2011-05-08 21:46:57] sorry mistake [2011-05-08 21:47:10] I was on another IRC server and mixed up the info [2011-05-08 21:47:13] JSFriedrich, I am certain the password was not meant to be made public ... [2011-05-08 21:47:22] -!- mode/#SGM [+vvv BenediktHeintel DominikGeorge FabianKnopf] von law [2011-05-08 21:47:23] -!- mode/#SGM [+v MichaelTaenzer] von law [2011-05-08 21:47:31] JSFridrich, it was e-mailed to a select list of recipient, according to my inbox ,) [2011-05-08 21:47:42] sorry, my fault [2011-05-08 21:47:51] I was mistaken and typed in the wrong window [2011-05-08 21:47:55] btw, it's incrrect .... dunno why :o [2011-05-08 21:48:36] JSFriedrich, would have worked in that window if there hadn't been whitespace at the beginning ;) [2011-05-08 21:49:21] I was copying it to a text file and mistakenly pasted it into this window [2011-05-08 21:49:43] -!- LH [LambertHof@k30092.upc-k.chello.nl] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 21:50:02] please do this in private guys, I really don't care about this ;) [2011-05-08 21:50:39] when does the meetingstart? [2011-05-08 21:50:46] 10min [2011-05-08 21:51:30] hmm... I am missing VoteBot... [2011-05-08 21:51:44] there is #vote [2011-05-08 21:52:11] or do you mean the running program? [2011-05-08 21:52:22] yes [2011-05-08 21:52:37] -!- wytze [wytze@deboca.xs4all.nl] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 21:52:38] IanGrigg: I think votebot has been pimped to allow private votes ... it also should count our votes in [2011-05-08 21:52:42] #vote [2011-05-08 21:52:55] ... crappy small netbook keys :-) [2011-05-08 21:53:08] -!- wytze ist nun bekannt als: WytzevanderRaay [2011-05-08 21:54:01] -!- magu ist nun bekannt als: MartinGummi [2011-05-08 21:54:21] -!- FrancoisMarier [francois@member.cacert.org] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 21:55:03] -!- MOH ist nun bekannt als: MarcOliverHofmann [2011-05-08 21:55:41] -!- PiersLauder [PiersLaude@ppp121-44-175-42.lns20.syd7.internode.on.net] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 21:56:05] -!- maguGUI [55b3ead1@CAcert.Web.Interface.User] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 21:57:58] -!- PeterYuill [PeterYuill@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 21:58:20] -!- mode/#SGM [+vvv MartinGummi PeterYuill PiersLauder] von law [2011-05-08 21:58:21] -!- mode/#SGM [+v WytzevanderRaay] von law [2011-05-08 21:58:46] -!- mode/#SGM [+vv FrancoisMarier MarcOliverHofmann] von law [2011-05-08 21:58:48] -!- PeterY [PeterYuill@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 21:58:59] -!- mode/#SGM [+v PeterY] von law [2011-05-08 21:59:30] can anyone see votebot in #vote? [2011-05-08 22:00:45] no the bot is not there ... it does not respond to private messages too [2011-05-08 22:01:03] -!- PeterYuill [PeterYuill@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [2011-05-08 22:01:59] Hi, do you all see me as Lambert Hofstra, or as LH? [2011-05-08 22:02:06] LH [2011-05-08 22:02:29] ok [2011-05-08 22:02:43] -!- LH [LambertHof@k30092.upc-k.chello.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] [2011-05-08 22:03:23] -!- LambertHofstra [LambertHof@k30092.upc-k.chello.nl] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:03:55] Hi Lambert now you are LambertHofstra [2011-05-08 22:04:14] -!- mode/#SGM [+v LambertHofstra] von law [2011-05-08 22:04:20] ok [2011-05-08 22:04:45] -!- AlexanderBahlo [teufli@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:04:48] -!- KurtAlbershardt [Adium@97-119-157-109.albq.qwest.net] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:04:55] -!- Benedikt [5dc7fe2c@CAcert.Web.Interface.User] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:04:56] -!- mode/#SGM [+vv AlexanderBahlo KurtAlbershardt] von law [2011-05-08 22:05:26] -!- mode/#SGM [+o LambertHofstra] von law [2011-05-08 22:06:16] -!- Benedikt ist nun bekannt als: BenediktFrenzel [2011-05-08 22:06:21] -!- law ist nun bekannt als: MarioLipinski [2011-05-08 22:06:42] -!- mode/#SGM [+v BenediktFrenzel] von MarioLipinski [2011-05-08 22:07:08] -!- PeterYuill [PeterYuill@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:07:20] -!- mode/#SGM [+v PeterYuill] von MarioLipinski [2011-05-08 22:08:26] -!- PeterY [PeterYuill@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [2011-05-08 22:08:47] -!- aphexer ist nun bekannt als: AlexanderPrinsier [2011-05-08 22:08:49] Hi Mario, how much time do we need? [2011-05-08 22:08:58] And has anyone seen Guillaume? [2011-05-08 22:09:47] -!- ThomasBremer [5d8349a6@CAcert.Web.Interface.User] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:10:32] -!- mode/#SGM [+v ThomasBremer] von MarioLipinski [2011-05-08 22:10:55] -!- mode/#SGM [+v AlexanderPrinsier] von MarioLipinski [2011-05-08 22:11:17] LambertHofstra: no idea, depends on our members... [2011-05-08 22:11:18] Do we start with academic 15 Minutes? [2011-05-08 22:11:31] No trace from Guillaume [2011-05-08 22:11:38] Make it academic 30 ;-) [2011-05-08 22:12:23] what's the usual "academic" multiplier like? :) [2011-05-08 22:12:39] It's late enough already here, so let's not wait too long -- but not having Guillaume Romagny in the meeting makes it a LOT less useful [2011-05-08 22:13:22] If Guillaume doesn't come. he has to obey [2011-05-08 22:13:40] Mario: what's the status on the votebot? [2011-05-08 22:13:56] MarioLipinski: who could take care of the obviously absent VoteBot? [2011-05-08 22:14:11] I am trying to find the cote... [2011-05-08 22:14:18] -!- PeterY [PeterYuill@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:15:00] -!- PeterYuill [PeterYuill@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [2011-05-08 22:16:23] Does anyone has a copy of the message with the source code of votebot? [2011-05-08 22:16:38] Hi LH, Law how long should we wait for Guillaume [2011-05-08 22:17:44] -!- PeterY ist nun bekannt als: PeterYuill [2011-05-08 22:18:29] Marcus: just getting the last bits done [2011-05-08 22:18:37] He was invited, as any member [2011-05-08 22:19:51] Hi all, I propose we start in 1 minute [2011-05-08 22:20:07] aye [2011-05-08 22:20:52] We have an issue with voting: if votebot is missing we can vote either public, or, if that's not acceptable, by sending your votes to a selected person [2011-05-08 22:22:32] Hi all [2011-05-08 22:22:40] I'd like to open the meeting [2011-05-08 22:22:56] This is a Special General Meeting [2011-05-08 22:23:12] this SGM has been called by the board, with the only agenda item being the appeal by Guillaume Romagny. [2011-05-08 22:23:34] We're currently working on an issue with the vote bot [2011-05-08 22:23:47] The votebot was going to allow us a secret ballot system [2011-05-08 22:24:33] However, in the absence of that we can do two things: either vote in public, or send votes to a single person, who then reports the votes. [2011-05-08 22:24:37] What's the current decision to be made? [2011-05-08 22:24:50] I propose to vote in public [2011-05-08 22:24:55] Is it to exclude him or not? [2011-05-08 22:24:57] Fine by me [2011-05-08 22:25:07] I second public# [2011-05-08 22:25:19] aye to public ... otherwise i volunteer to count. [2011-05-08 22:25:20] no problem with a public vote [2011-05-08 22:25:21] No objection against public voting [2011-05-08 22:25:29] Benny: the vote will be the appeal of Guillaume against the ruling by the board, I'll explain later on [2011-05-08 22:25:32] I second Public-vote [2011-05-08 22:25:36] aye for public mode [2011-05-08 22:25:39] public is okay [2011-05-08 22:25:44] I object to public voting. [2011-05-08 22:25:46] aye public [2011-05-08 22:25:53] aye to public [2011-05-08 22:25:59] yes to public voting [2011-05-08 22:25:59] * FrancoisMarier is fine with public [2011-05-08 22:26:00] aye public [2011-05-08 22:26:07] aye [2011-05-08 22:26:09] aye to public [2011-05-08 22:26:19] aye [2011-05-08 22:26:29] aye [2011-05-08 22:26:37] abstain [2011-05-08 22:26:38] aye [2011-05-08 22:26:48] aye [2011-05-08 22:26:53] abstain [2011-05-08 22:27:08] aye [2011-05-08 22:27:18] aye [2011-05-08 22:27:40] Ok, so far it seems the majority is fine with public voting [2011-05-08 22:28:03] aRE THERE MORE PERSONS WHO specifically want secret votes? [2011-05-08 22:28:28] What has to be voted [2011-05-08 22:28:31] And if so, would they accept sending me their votes in a private message, with me reporting the result? [2011-05-08 22:29:01] Benny, would that be acceptable for you? [2011-05-08 22:29:32] -!- MatthiasSubik_ [yellow@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:29:33] -!- MatthiasSubik [yellow@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] [2011-05-08 22:29:33] -!- MatthiasSubik_ ist nun bekannt als: MatthiasSubik [2011-05-08 22:29:35] Would it be for all then [2011-05-08 22:29:39] BennyBaumann: ?? [2011-05-08 22:30:50] Lambert, would you explain what we are voting for? [2011-05-08 22:31:13] Is it the board decision? [2011-05-08 22:31:16] LambertHofstra: If the majority is accepting a public vote I have no specific reason to vote in private. [2011-05-08 22:31:20] Lambert could you explain what to vote for. This is the matter of the the privacy problemm [2011-05-08 22:31:30] Is ist the dismissal of Guillaume? [2011-05-08 22:31:47] LambertHofstra: I second MarcusMaengel in this point. [2011-05-08 22:31:54] Ok, if Benny accepts public, I prefer public, because it makes the decision process transparent [2011-05-08 22:32:07] ack. [2011-05-08 22:32:08] And what was the board decision Guillaume has appealed [2011-05-08 22:32:09] Then, first let me explain what the issue at hand is [2011-05-08 22:32:34] Thank you - this has been a long and somewhat drawn-out process and some of us are only peripherally "in the loop" [2011-05-08 22:32:43] A short summary: [2011-05-08 22:32:44] A complaint was filed by two members, because of the messages send by Guillaume to the various mailing lists. These messages were seen as inappropriate. [2011-05-08 22:33:18] This is a serious issue, but also difficult since Guillaume has contributed a lot to CAcert in a positive way in previous years. [2011-05-08 22:33:30] The board has reviewed the complaint, and ruled that indeed these messages were inappropriate, and are harming CAcert, CAcert Inc., and specific members. [2011-05-08 22:33:49] The board ruled that Guillaume is not allowed to send this type of messages in the future, and if he would do so in the future, he would be expelled. [2011-05-08 22:33:58] Now Guillaume has appealed to the ruling of the board. [2011-05-08 22:34:08] The single question here on the table is: do the members agree with the board decision or not? [2011-05-08 22:34:21] agree [2011-05-08 22:34:22] So we're NOT voting to expell Guillaume [2011-05-08 22:34:34] agree [2011-05-08 22:34:39] Before voting: are there any questions on this? [2011-05-08 22:34:45] Do we need a motion? [2011-05-08 22:34:54] Can we only say "yes" or "no", or can we also comment or even modify the proposed board decision? [2011-05-08 22:34:59] -!- PeterY [PeterYuill@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:35:10] i would do the comment in a second motion. [2011-05-08 22:35:16] So I first want to open for questions [2011-05-08 22:35:24] notion in what respect? [2011-05-08 22:35:25] what will happen if we vote the board decision as not acceptable? [2011-05-08 22:35:27] I want to clarify - are we voting as to whether his actions were inappropriate? [2011-05-08 22:35:33] Wytze: no, you can only say YES or NO [2011-05-08 22:35:40] How about the moderated Mailing list access? [2011-05-08 22:36:27] -!- PeterYuill [PeterYuill@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [2011-05-08 22:36:33] Benedikt: then we have an issue, and the members need to come up with a new ruling [2011-05-08 22:36:50] That's pretty limiting, although I agree with the board's feelings, I do not think it is appropriate for CAcert to moderate access of any of its members to its mailing lists. [2011-05-08 22:36:57] Kurt: in a way: the ruling of the board includes two things: [2011-05-08 22:37:17] How much time for the new ruling; or a new SGM?= [2011-05-08 22:37:29] 1) the messages were inappropriate (no facts, could easily have been checked/verified) [2011-05-08 22:37:55] 2) the ruling: he's not allowed to do this again, and will be expelled if he does [2011-05-08 22:38:12] You've all received the exact text of the ruling in your invitation [2011-05-08 22:38:27] -!- PeterY [PeterYuill@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [2011-05-08 22:38:37] -!- mode/#SGM [+v MatthiasSubik] von MarioLipinski [2011-05-08 22:39:16] Trying to be evenhanded here, is there some way to prevent his expulsion by a single person as some form of retribution? [2011-05-08 22:39:18] Marc: That is the ruling: moderated list access. But this would still allow him to send incorrect messages on lists that are not controlled by CAcert [2011-05-08 22:39:28] So, to clarify, we are voting YES or NO to the two specific items that Lambert just mentioned [2011-05-08 22:39:31] What I'd like to ensure is also that we do not hold another SGM about this case. We cannot hold a SGM every month, we have more important things to do... [2011-05-08 22:39:54] Kurt: can you please explain? [2011-05-08 22:39:56] thanks [2011-05-08 22:40:21] OK, let me phrase this as a question then: why does the board think it is not enough to simply respond (like it did) to show the inappropriateness and/or inaccuracy of certain messages, and [2011-05-08 22:40:38] why does it want to block Guillaume's access to the mailing lists instead? [2011-05-08 22:41:10] (Wytze: I see the question, would like to handle Kurt's question first) [2011-05-08 22:41:18] "the ruling: he's not allowed to do this again, and will be expelled if he does" [2011-05-08 22:41:29] who determines that he has "done this again" [2011-05-08 22:41:38] Kurt: the board [2011-05-08 22:41:39] can one person invoke that? [2011-05-08 22:41:43] ah, OK [2011-05-08 22:41:54] I believe that clarifies it for me [2011-05-08 22:42:15] The ruling is based on an investigation of evidence, so if new info comes up, the board would have to look at it again [2011-05-08 22:42:36] JSFrederick: no, there will be one vote [2011-05-08 22:42:39] so this is, in effect, just an official warning? [2011-05-08 22:42:48] Kurt: yes [2011-05-08 22:42:55] check [2011-05-08 22:42:58] Understood [2011-05-08 22:42:59] But also the last warning [2011-05-08 22:44:16] As I read the board's decision it is more than a warning: it takes away Guillaume's rights to post to a CAcert mailing list without consent by some (yet unnamed) moderator -- that's quite something. [2011-05-08 22:44:18] Wytze: There have been more messages before, and no response to previous messages to Guillaume [2011-05-08 22:44:40] Wytze: yes [2011-05-08 22:44:50] We still need a form to implement it [2011-05-08 22:45:22] -!- PeterYuill [PeterYuill@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:45:49] WytzevanderRaay: it is not the first time Guillaume severely offends other people and harms CAcert. He got away with a warning last time and there was already talks about expelling him at that time. [2011-05-08 22:45:53] so we have one vote, if the boards decision was appropriate? [2011-05-08 22:46:15] The issue here is that the fact that we have a open community [2011-05-08 22:46:35] WytzevanderRaay: This time his unmoderated access to some mailing lists was revoked, as he seems not to have learnt since last time. [2011-05-08 22:46:36] does not give you the right to just say anything [2011-05-08 22:46:36] -!- dirk [dirk@ip-80-226-0-1.vodafone-net.de] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:46:53] -!- PeterY [PeterYuill@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:46:56] I'd say anyone could move a motion, as in every general meeting... [2011-05-08 22:47:04] This freedom comes with the obligation to investigate what you write [2011-05-08 22:47:14] sorry for being late ... [2011-05-08 22:47:22] I motion that the membership confirms the [2011-05-08 22:47:22]   committees decision and leaves further [2011-05-08 22:47:23] Lambert: I agree, but is censorship the proper answer? That is the core of my question? [2011-05-08 22:47:23]   actions up to the boards judgement ( ie: no second appeal) [2011-05-08 22:47:27] Are there any other questions, or anything I missed? [2011-05-08 22:47:42] Also recently he has been called about his inappropriate behaviour on the lists... The response was just an escalation.... [2011-05-08 22:47:52] -!- dirk ist nun bekannt als: dirkastrath [2011-05-08 22:48:07] Welcome dirkastrath [2011-05-08 22:48:16] If no further questions I'd like to call for a vote: [2011-05-08 22:48:19] So for now we cannot just say do not do it again. We need some kind of punishment. But looking at history expelling him right away looked to hard. [2011-05-08 22:48:31] LambertHofstra: Proxies? [2011-05-08 22:48:47] SGM 2011-05-08 Proxies: [2011-05-08 22:48:48] Ulrich Schröter [2011-05-08 22:48:48] * Dirk Astrath [2011-05-08 22:48:48] * Philipp Dunkel [2011-05-08 22:48:48] * Dominik George [2011-05-08 22:48:48] [2011-05-08 22:48:50] Werner Dworak [2011-05-08 22:48:52] * Dirk Astrath (secondary) [2011-05-08 22:48:54] [2011-05-08 22:48:56] -!- PeterYuill [PeterYuill@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [2011-05-08 22:48:58] Markus Mängel [2011-05-08 22:49:00] * Ulrich Schröter [2011-05-08 22:49:02] Dirk Astrath [2011-05-08 22:49:04] * Ulrich Schröter (secondary) [2011-05-08 22:49:06] Wytze van der Raay [2011-05-08 22:49:08] * Gary Lee Adams [2011-05-08 22:49:09] [2011-05-08 22:49:10] -!- PeterY ist nun bekannt als: PeterYuill [2011-05-08 22:49:11] Lambert Hofstra [2011-05-08 22:49:14] * Gary Lee Adams (secondary) [2011-05-08 22:49:16] Mario Lipinski [2011-05-08 22:49:18] * Philipp Dunkel (secondary) [2011-05-08 22:49:20] [2011-05-08 22:49:52] -!- JSFrederick [JSF@c-68-54-246-9.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has left #SGM [2011-05-08 22:49:55] Ok, the proxies are listed here [2011-05-08 22:50:00] What happens if we dissent with the board's ruling? What has to be done then? [2011-05-08 22:50:08] -!- JSFrederick [JSF@c-68-54-246-9.hsd1.va.comcast.net] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:50:31] Benny: you should come up with a motion yourself [2011-05-08 22:50:46] and the board would have to decide how they respond [2011-05-08 22:50:50] Ok [2011-05-08 22:50:57] Please respond within two minutes, if you agree (yes, or aye) or not agree (no, naye) with the decision of the board [2011-05-08 22:51:16] here in the #sgm room? [2011-05-08 22:51:16] So AYE if you agree, NAYE if you do not agree with the current ruling [2011-05-08 22:51:27] aye [2011-05-08 22:51:30] AYE [2011-05-08 22:51:30] AYE [2011-05-08 22:51:31] aye [2011-05-08 22:51:33] aye [2011-05-08 22:51:33] aye [2011-05-08 22:51:34] abstain [2011-05-08 22:51:34] NAYE [2011-05-08 22:51:36] aye [2011-05-08 22:51:37] aye [2011-05-08 22:51:40] Philipp Dunkel: aye [2011-05-08 22:51:41] aye [2011-05-08 22:51:41] naye [2011-05-08 22:51:43] aye [2011-05-08 22:51:44] PROXY GaryLeeAdams: NAYE [2011-05-08 22:51:44] AYE [2011-05-08 22:51:46] aye [2011-05-08 22:51:50] AYE [2011-05-08 22:51:54] aye [2011-05-08 22:52:00] AYE [2011-05-08 22:52:02] aye [2011-05-08 22:52:08] proxy Ulirich Schroeter: aye [2011-05-08 22:52:10] aye [2011-05-08 22:52:17] no [2011-05-08 22:52:22] dirl astrath aye [2011-05-08 22:52:27] abstain [2011-05-08 22:52:37] aye [2011-05-08 22:52:50] Proxy dirk astrath aye [2011-05-08 22:52:51] aye [2011-05-08 22:53:07] aye [2011-05-08 22:53:21] -!- dirk_astrath [4fdc9b0f@CAcert.Web.Interface.User] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:53:24] -!- PeterY [PeterYuill@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:53:27] aye [2011-05-08 22:53:37] Ok, voting closed [2011-05-08 22:53:46] -!- ulrichschroeter [u60@p4FDC9B0F.dip.t-dialin.net] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:53:47] Please allow me to count [2011-05-08 22:54:03] AYE [2011-05-08 22:54:21] plz allow me to vote [2011-05-08 22:54:57] -!- dirkastrath [dirk@ip-80-226-0-1.vodafone-net.de] has quit [Quit: Got to keep moving!!] [2011-05-08 22:54:57] Ulrich: MarcusMaengel voted already as your proxy ... [2011-05-08 22:55:17] huh [2011-05-08 22:55:19] tell me ... [2011-05-08 22:55:24] -!- PeterYuill [PeterYuill@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [2011-05-08 22:55:27] where are we voting? I am monitorin #vote .... [2011-05-08 22:55:35] -!- PeterYuill [PeterYuill@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:55:49] DominikGeorge: votebot is absent [2011-05-08 22:55:57] DominikGeorge: here in #sgm. [2011-05-08 22:56:04] Dominik: we were voting in #SGM due to lack of a votebot in #vote I think [2011-05-08 22:56:18] ah great [2011-05-08 22:56:29] -!- PeterY [PeterYuill@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [2011-05-08 22:56:38] how can something as trivial as that not work ..... [2011-05-08 22:56:43] voting is in 'old skool'-mode .. [2011-05-08 22:56:46] ulrichschroeter, did you vote for me? [2011-05-08 22:56:50] i guess whole server down [2011-05-08 22:56:58] -!- PeterY [PeterYuill@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 22:57:07] otherwise just cast your vote now..... [2011-05-08 22:57:10] Dominik, no ... I just arrived ... [2011-05-08 22:57:11] Hi, I counted the voted (old-style) [2011-05-08 22:57:12] MarioLipinski , then why do't we run this thing on infrastructure or something? [2011-05-08 22:57:29] can't be too hard [2011-05-08 22:57:32] would require some time to set it up... [2011-05-08 22:57:35] I have 23 votes agreeing with the board ruling [2011-05-08 22:57:46] I have 4 votes against the board ruling [2011-05-08 22:57:50] I did not get it running within a few minutes [2011-05-08 22:57:53] I have 2 votes abstaining [2011-05-08 22:59:14] -!- PeterYuill [PeterYuill@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [2011-05-08 22:59:25] Because of the high number of AYE votes, I interpret this as an acceptance of the ruling of the board [2011-05-08 23:00:18] We will give you an official result, but the distance between AYE and NAYE is so big that it will not change the outcome [2011-05-08 23:00:34] Thanks for attending this meeting [2011-05-08 23:00:44] Are there any remaining questions? [2011-05-08 23:01:13] who gives Guillaume the result? [2011-05-08 23:01:14] Who is going to be responsible for the imposed moderation? [2011-05-08 23:01:25] -!- JSFrederick [JSF@c-68-54-246-9.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: JSFrederick] [2011-05-08 23:01:36] Marc: there will be an official communication by the Secretary [2011-05-08 23:01:51] ok [2011-05-08 23:01:56] Wytze: we will think about that later [2011-05-08 23:02:04] -!- PeterY [PeterYuill@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [2011-05-08 23:02:25] Hmm, isn't that a bit odd? Especially considering the heavy penalty placed on the outcome of this moderation? [2011-05-08 23:03:24] WytzevanderRaay: everyone should know how to behave. The moderation is more or less just a protection to get again false statements published and causing further harm to the association and individuals... [2011-05-08 23:03:25] Wytze: if you have a solution we would be interested to hear it [2011-05-08 23:03:30] -!- BenediktFrenzel [5dc7fe2c@CAcert.Web.Interface.User] has quit [Quit: [https://irc.cacert.org] (Ping timeout)] [2011-05-08 23:03:32] But I'd like to take that offline [2011-05-08 23:03:48] If the inappropriate behaviour continues, do we have to meet again? [2011-05-08 23:03:51] I should give an info to the community about private mail I received from GR ... [2011-05-08 23:04:06] WytzevanderRaay: AFAI understand not the outcome of the moderation is under penalty but writing such mails itself [2011-05-08 23:04:09] please Dominik ... [2011-05-08 23:04:14] Matthias: no, the ruling is clear [2011-05-08 23:04:16] go forward ... [2011-05-08 23:04:17] We should all consider that he is using statements like "I want to clean out the community" [2011-05-08 23:04:22] I certainly don't have a solution for it, in fact it is one of my reasons to vote against the board decision -- going the censorship path is a very slippery road. [2011-05-08 23:04:34] At least all German people in here might remark something familiar about such speaking [2011-05-08 23:04:56] WytzevanderRaay, right. so the only way is to expell him [2011-05-08 23:04:58] Michael: the moderation is to determine whether an email is inappropriate. That is not always an objective decision unfortunately [2011-05-08 23:05:11] If a mail would be held back by moderation, this might be forwarded to board and result in penealizing GR as ruled - otherwise the mail would be published. [2011-05-08 23:05:46] Wytze: agree, we need to think about it. Could even be a "after-the-facts" moderation [2011-05-08 23:05:54] @ wytze : I'm against the moderation as well, but I want to know what is the next step, [2011-05-08 23:06:24] the explanation of mario is good! [2011-05-08 23:07:05] an e-mail is going through, or it is the basis of further board ruling (so we learn about it from the protocol) [2011-05-08 23:07:06] What Mario does not explain is HOW the moderation will determine that an email is inappropriate [2011-05-08 23:07:31] I see the moderation secondary, If Guillaume doesn' write, there is no moderation. [2011-05-08 23:07:33] -!- BenediktFrenzel [5dc7fe2c@CAcert.Web.Interface.User] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 23:07:44] And I'm afraid that there is no objective way to do that :-( [2011-05-08 23:07:45] How will documentation be done? [2011-05-08 23:08:22] If a moderated email is to be held back, this would require a decission of the whole board, which is published due to our open governance. [2011-05-08 23:09:53] Gentle men and woman, we're now drifting of, this is not the topic of the meeting [2011-05-08 23:10:14] right ... [2011-05-08 23:10:15] Lambert: true ... [2011-05-08 23:10:19] true [2011-05-08 23:10:19] Have we concluded our business? [2011-05-08 23:10:20] We will discuss the moderation, and will get back to you [2011-05-08 23:10:23] chair .... call to order and close .. [2011-05-08 23:10:27] -!- PhilippGuehring [philipp@chello084114212071.4.15.vie.surfer.at] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 23:10:35] because this is an open organisation, you will be informed [2011-05-08 23:10:54] Thank you. I move that we close this SGM [2011-05-08 23:10:55] So I herby close the meeting [2011-05-08 23:11:00] Thanks all! [2011-05-08 23:11:05] thank you [2011-05-08 23:11:10] -!- KurtAlbershardt [Adium@97-119-157-109.albq.qwest.net] has left #SGM [2011-05-08 23:11:11] thanks bye [2011-05-08 23:11:17] -!- JanDittberner ist nun bekannt als: jandd [2011-05-08 23:11:19] -!- jandd [jan@pachesi.gnuviech-server.de] has left #SGM [2011-05-08 23:11:21] thanks to all - bye! [2011-05-08 23:11:24] -!- AlexanderBahlo ist nun bekannt als: alex [2011-05-08 23:11:25] -!- ThomasBremer [5d8349a6@CAcert.Web.Interface.User] has left #SGM [2011-05-08 23:11:32] -!- MarcOliverHofmann ist nun bekannt als: MOH [2011-05-08 23:11:49] k thx bye ;) [2011-05-08 23:12:00] bye [2011-05-08 23:12:46] huh? [2011-05-08 23:12:54] GR explicitly asked us to vote on his *expellation* [2011-05-08 23:12:59] we didn't do that :O [2011-05-08 23:13:13] no, that was not the topic [2011-05-08 23:13:26] GR can't make the agenda of an SGM, [2011-05-08 23:13:31] it is not his party. [2011-05-08 23:14:00] it is back to the board to do the business ... [2011-05-08 23:14:48] -!- FabianKnopf [devcow@HSI-KBW-109-193-208-122.hsi7.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has quit [Quit: Verlassend] [2011-05-08 23:14:51] -!- FrancoisMarier [francois@member.cacert.org] has quit [Quit: leaving] [2011-05-08 23:15:06] -!- WernerDworak [Werner@dsl72bA024.sdtnet.de] has left #SGM [2011-05-08 23:15:08] -!- MOH [MOH@HSI-KBW-046-005-177-042.hsi8.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has quit [Quit: ...und wech!] [2011-05-08 23:15:26] -!- BenediktHeintel [rats@ip-109-90-23-144.unitymediagroup.de] has quit [Quit: Exited Chat] [2011-05-08 23:15:48] -!- MichaelTaenzer [neo@f053214057.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #SGM [2011-05-08 23:16:52] -!- BenediktFrenzel [5dc7fe2c@CAcert.Web.Interface.User] has quit [Quit: [https://irc.cacert.org] (EOF)] [2011-05-08 23:17:05] well the business of discussin GR mails [2011-05-08 23:17:58] cul8r [2011-05-08 23:18:21] -!- ulrichschroeter ist nun bekannt als: u60 [2011-05-08 23:18:36] -!- alex [teufli@] has quit [Quit: Wo sind denn die, die nicht da sind?] [2011-05-08 23:18:37] hmm, the community had the chance to get rid of him and failed :/ ... [2011-05-08 23:19:30] @dominikgeorge nope ... [2011-05-08 23:19:34] now the board can decide that ... that's the way it should be. The board can expel someone, and we can approve or disapprove [2011-05-08 23:19:34] -!- dirk_astrath ist nun bekannt als: dirk [2011-05-08 23:19:55] it is intrinsic of the architecture of the proposal [2011-05-08 23:20:09] -!- BennyBaumann [root@box1.sys.ccs-baumann.de] has quit [Quit: leaving] [2011-05-08 23:20:14] -!- MatthiasSubik_ [yellow@] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 23:20:24] the community had the chance to accept or reject the board motion ... [2011-05-08 23:20:27] -!- MatthiasSubik [yellow@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] [2011-05-08 23:20:27] -!- MatthiasSubik_ ist nun bekannt als: MatthiasSubik [2011-05-08 23:20:47] bye everyone .. [2011-05-08 23:20:52] bye [2011-05-08 23:21:09] -!- PiersLauder [PiersLaude@ppp121-44-175-42.lns20.syd7.internode.on.net] has left #SGM[Ex-Chat] [2011-05-08 23:21:09] GR did not agree to the board decision ... and therefore the SGM was called [2011-05-08 23:21:25] -!- MatthiasSubik [yellow@] has quit [] [2011-05-08 23:22:50] nik? [2011-05-08 23:24:47] -!- WytzevanderRaay [wytze@deboca.xs4all.nl] has left #SGM [2011-05-08 23:25:46] dirk? [2011-05-08 23:27:35] -!- PhilippGuehring [philipp@chello084114212071.4.15.vie.surfer.at] has quit [Quit: Verlassend] [2011-05-08 23:30:16] yep [2011-05-08 23:35:28] -!- DominikGeorge [Nik@merlin.naturalnet.de] has quit [] [2011-05-08 23:46:03] -!- maguGUI [55b3ead1@CAcert.Web.Interface.User] has quit [Quit: [https://irc.cacert.org] (EOF)] [2011-05-08 23:47:18] -!- dirk [4fdc9b0f@CAcert.Web.Interface.User] has quit [Quit: [https://irc.cacert.org] ] [2011-05-08 23:48:59] -!- MiGri [5b793edd@CAcert.Web.Interface.User] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 23:49:15] -!- MiGri ist nun bekannt als: Michael [2011-05-08 23:49:21] -!- Michael ist nun bekannt als: MichaelGrigutsch [2011-05-08 23:52:19] sorry, I wasn't able to connect until now. Everything is over? [2011-05-08 23:53:02] MichaelGrigutsch: yes. [2011-05-08 23:53:23] -!- MiGri [migri@pier42.zeropage.net] hat #SGM betreten [2011-05-08 23:53:31] -!- MichaelGrigutsch [5b793edd@CAcert.Web.Interface.User] has left #SGM [2011-05-08 23:53:39] The board ruling was confirmed [2011-05-08 23:53:52] ok [2011-05-08 23:54:16] -!- MiGri ist nun bekannt als: MichaelGrigutsch [2011-05-08 23:54:57] Will there be a log of the sm? [2011-05-08 23:55:01] sgm? [2011-05-08 23:55:45] Some day there certainly will... [2011-05-08 23:56:49] At least minutes will have to be presented at the next AGM, but usually they just get finished right before... [2011-05-08 23:57:57] Michael, you'Ve got mail :) [2011-05-08 23:58:07] ok. thank you. [2011-05-08 23:58:17] yw :) [2011-05-08 23:58:23] :) [2011-05-08 23:58:31] I was looking too, but on my computer I do not have a full log... [2011-05-08 23:58:46] I got them somewhere on the server though... [2011-05-08 23:59:11] mario, you've got mail :) [2011-05-09 00:00:43] thx [2011-05-09 00:00:50] yw :) [2011-05-09 00:01:22] OK, good night everybody...